Fabric Face Masks

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I never thought I would see the day I’m sewing fabric face masks. The former nurse in me bristles at the thought of healthcare professionals using these.
It was the emphatic “yes, yes and yes!” of my friend, who works in a long-term care home, to my question of whether she would want any of these masks that made me go to my sewing room and sew a batch.
You may wonder why I chose the alley cats fabric? Well, to be honest it is simply a fabric I had that is suitable for these masks, but as I was sewing those alley cats became a symbol of resilience in dire circumstances to me. This feels like war times. I hope my friend and her colleagues will never have to use them.
If you know of someone who might need any, I’m happy to sew more. The next batch will be teddy bears ๐Ÿ™‚