I had planned a special Mothers Day sewing event for you and your child this year, but as the sewing school is still closed, I encourage you to try this idea at home instead: Sewing fabric flowers is easier than you think and can be a made together with your child!
We have made the pictured
fabric roses in class.
I found some similar tutorials online:
Sew Historically similar to mine
The Crafty Gentleman The closest to mine (skip the first few steps, normal scissors do the job!) They can be hand-sewn with a running stitch. Last step (6): I make a few stitches by hand instead of pinning, as in the Sew Historically tutorial above.
Make It – Love It has 30 different fabric flower tutorials, some easier than the roses. Suitable for younger children.
I use a BBQ skewer for the rose stem, covered with floral tape. If you don’t have floral tape you could paint them. Cut some leaves of green felt and hot glue them to the stem (if using floral tape they can be added in as you wrap the tape around the skewer). At the bottom of the rose I cover up the frayed fabric edges with a small square of green felt, use some hot glue and pinch together, then push the skewer through this square into the rose.
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